Calentador de microondas
El calentador de microondas de Emmepiemme ha sido diseñado para calentar envases abiertos de plástico o vidrio y para envases cerrados de plástico.
Al cruzar el túnel en una sola fila, varios generadores compactos, colocados a los lados del túnel, proporcionan calefacción por microondas.
Los generadores son estáticos sin ventilador ni órgano móvil, completamente cubiertos de acero inoxidable.
Están diseñados para ser fácilmente extraíbles, los cables de alimentación y señal se conectan mediante conectores industriales resistentes al agua. Estas especificaciones y su peso ligero hacen que sea extremadamente fácil de reemplazar.
Además, el magnetrón industrial equipado tiene una vida útil prevista de 3000 horas a plena potencia.

The generators are static without any moving organ or support, and completely covered with stainless steel.
They are designed to be easily removable.
Power and signal cables are connected by water resistant industrial connectors.
Also, the industrial magnetron equipped has an expected life of 3000 hours at full power.
These features and its light weight makes it extremely easy to replace.
INPUT UNIT: electrical power and control, microwave interception and complete block,
RF leak sensor alarm.
OUTPUT UNIT: Intralox tape drive system, microwave interception and complete block,
RF leak sensor alarm, drive unit for 2kW generators, tunnel ventilation system for steam evacuation.
The tunnel is completely opened on the upper part by means of light doors simply supported and without any gasket (MW quarter-wave seal) equipped with opening safety sensors.
The tunnel can be easily washed with a pressure washer.
This characteristic makes it suitable for the treatment of opened packages, which may present the inner contamination of the tunnel due to splashing or breakage of the package.